"Just me!" - Narry

"Niall it's war out there!"
Niall sat up in bed and he looked at Harry.
"Are you serious?"
Harry stood in the doorway and he was serious.
"Well, why didn't you tell me about a girlfriend?"
Niall swallowed and he realized that the truth sooner or later would arrive.
"But she was just..." he chose the words carefully. "She was just a girl that I was flirting with. Nothing more."
Harry frowned and he looked straight at the Irishman.
"But the newspapers write that you're... together." he growled in disgust. "And we promised each other to be faithful."
Niall agreed.
"I can't help that all magnify such a thing and I'm loyal to you. Nothing happen between us."
Harry took a few steps into the room and he pulled his hand through his short dark hair.
"Why didn't you tell me before that you had flirted with her?"
Niall hesitated again.
"My friends were there and they felt that I should be interested in her. They don't know that I have you."
Harry knew that sounded like a reasonable truth. Their secret relationship was really nothing that the public would find out anything about.
"But why?"
Nialll slid down on the floor and he stood up.
"Because you were away. You were and made that movie and you weren't here."
Harry gulped and he clenched his jaw, before he grimly walked up to Niall and caught up his face between his hands.
"Don't ever do that again!" he growled hoarsely, and then he kissed Nialls lovely lips. "You are mine and you wont have anyone but me."
Niall smiled weakly. He let his hands slide around Harry's waist and he sucked in all the scents that was Harry.
"You know you're the only one." he whispered testing. "I love you."
Harry gulped and tried to smile.
"And I love you. Never forget that!"