"What kind of girls do you like?"
The reporter almost pushed the microphone in front of Harry and Harry almost lost his breath. No, he didn't like that question. He hated to answer personal things.
"Normal girls?"
Yes, it was a stupid answer, but Harry didn't know what to say. He blushed slightly and he quickly pulled his hand through his hair. Harry noted that Liam just stared at him, Louis didn't seemed to care and Niall... Yes Niall looked at a different direction. Harry knew why. Niall didn't want that Harry would answer such a question. Niall wanted that the truth would come out. The truth that Niall was exactly the person as Harry wanted to be with.
"Normal girls?" the reporter got up and he smiled a little bit. He sensed surely that he touched a sensitive part. "Can't you express yourself better?"
Harry swallowed.
"I just mean that I don't have a model to go by. I like to be with people who make me laugh and feel good."
Now Niall looked at Harry again. A slight flush was spread over the Irishman's face, and he came up with a small smile. Harry gave him a reassuring glance, and then he smiled to the microphone again.
"The most important thing is to be with a person that I get along with and which I find interesting."
Harry was quick. As soon as the interview was over, he ran up after Niall and forced him inside the toilet. The door was closed quickly and Harry locked it carefully.
"It's okay!" Niall whispered, as he sensed what it was all about. Harry spun around and he looked straight into Nialls eyes.
"No, it's not okay."
Niall got up a small smile.
"Well, okay? I understand that we have to keep the secret, but sometimes it's just hard to carry around with the truth."
Harry swallowed. He backed up Niall to the wall and placing one hand on either side of his head. He looked straight into those wonderful blue eyes, and he noted that Niall wasn't sure where this would end.
"We be honest?" Harry whispered. Niall frowned and he nodded.
"Aren't we always honest?"
Harry smiled.
"I mean to the world." he got up quickly. "Do you want us to tell the truth? I have nothing against the truth and I'm sure the fans will understand."
Niall become uncertain. Harry looked straight at him. Niall pulled nervously down the shirt and he seemed almost to avoid to look at Harry.
"No, you know it's impossible."
Harry smiled and he shook his head.
"We can do exactly what we want and no one can stop us. Do you want us telling everything to the fans? I want a yes or a no now."
Niall met his eyes and he seemed to be stiff in the body.
"You know...!"
Harry gulped and he was fast.
"Niall, I'm serious. I want you, today, to consider a yes or a no. I'm also tired of lying and I'm also tired of hiding what I feel for you."
There was silence in the room. Niall stared at Harry as if he was forced to think. Harry chose to wait. He knew Niall always was like this when it was about more serious things.
"And how do you propose it would happen, how do we do it?"
Harry leaned closer. He breathed heavily and he had only one goal in his head, to get Niall to want the same thing.
"Be honest."
Niall snorted.
"Harry, you know we can't be honest when we dealing with that matter."
Well, they could be honest. Harry smiled and he let his lips meet Nialls lips. A weak, soft kiss, that was all that was needed to get Niall become calmer. Niall moaned softly.
"Are you trying to bribe me with kisses?"
Harry giggled.
"Yes, I'm trying.... does it work?"
Niall took up the arms and put them around Harry's neck, with a smile.
"I don't know. You have to probably struggle a bit more."
Harry whined. He closed his eyes and once again their lips met, but this time it wasn't a simple kiss. Their tongues began to play with each other and slowly they ended up in that state, it was only here and now that mattered.
"Okay, let's be honest."
They were naked, they were hot and they were crazy. Harry stood with the belly against the wall and he felt they way Niall quickly fucked him from behind.
"Today?" Harry asked with a hazy voice. Niall pounded straight in and he kissed Harry's back.
"Yes, let's be honest, today."
Harry smiled a little bit and he whimpered. He quickly caught up his own hard bodypart and quickly he began to jerk off. He felt Niall moved faster and faster with the body back and forth. Faster, harder and they groaned without realizing that they weren't at home.
Rapid knocks on the door and then they heard Liam's voice.
"Whatever you do in there, you must quit now. The next interview will start soon."
Niall pressed himself hard against Harry. He came! Harry groaned and he felt how he also reached there. They tried to be quiet, but they knew that Liam had already guessed what they did do.
"You have five minutes, then you must be ready."
Two sweaty guys sat down on the sofa. Both Niall and Harry blushed, because even the new reporter looked suspiciously at them. Liam rolled his eyes.
"And how will you manage your way out of this?" he hissed cold and questioning. Harry just smiled. He looked at Niall and then he chose to take Nialls hand in his own hand.
"We'll just be honest."
All around them was quiet. Niall giggled a little bit and he seemed almost relieved. The reporter cleared his throat a little and he hesitated, almost.
"Is there something you want to tell me?"
Harry nodded and he looked at him.
"Let's be honest. I and Niall are together, we are gay, we love each other."