Niall slowly opened his eyes. It took him only seconds to realize what really had happened. He met Harry's eyes, and the eyes said everything. They were filled with love and they were calm. Niall tried to smile, but instead became his face flushed. Harry had pulled down the blanket and he sat in bed and watched the whole Nialls naked body.
"Blanket thanks!" Niall got out. Harry just smiled, shook his head and leaned foreward. Their lips met. Niall whimpered quietly, just by the thought that Harry kissed him. Their lips caressed each other and when Harry tongue slipped in between Nialls lips, took Niall his own arms around Harrys neck. Harry had so many times said that he loved kissing with tongue and he was so damn good at it.
Harry let one of his hands slide down. I Niall felt it caressed the chest, down the stomach and then down there. Niall didn't resist, not even when Harry grabbed hold of the hard part. Instead, Niall groaned and he pressed Harry down harder against himself. That familiar sound echoed in the room. The hand as made quick movements and the hand got Nialls body begin to tremble with excitement. Harry's hand was so big, it embraced everything and knew what Niall wanted. Harry ended the kiss, lifted his head and looked straight into Nialls eyes. Harry wanted to see Niall enjoy this, he wanted to see how the Irishman reacted to every move as Harry did with his cock.
"Oh God!"
Niall wasn't even aware that he whimpered out the words. He closed his eyes and the only thing he knew was how he, himself, approached that end. Harry jerked him off firmly, just in the right way and it made the whole Niall to forget to feel shame. It was the first time a guy got to touch him. Niall had almost too late realized that he was gay and that he loved Harry. During the night everything just had flowed together and it was as if they both knew they belonged together. Niall and Harry couldn't be without the other, not anymore.
Harry bit hold of Niall's lip. He groaned as high as Niall. He jerked off Niall faster and faster. In the end it was as if everything just stopped working. Niall screamed. It spurted out cum and the whole body jerked around, as if it was crazy. Niall lost his breath, and he felt the last thing just flowed through the body and in the end he landed on the mattress again. Harry held on to the cock, and he smiled big.
"Well, was that okay?" he asked hoarsely. Niall chose to continue to have his eyes closed, just to avoid to be ashamed over the fact that he had dared to do this. He nodded.
Harry laughed a little bit and he let his hand slowly sliding up and down, over the now flaccid penis.
"Next time we'll do it for real."
Now Niall opened his eyes in suprised.
Harry laughed a little bit.
"Well, you know, have sex."