"Niall, why did you kiss me right in front of the camera?"
Niall just smiled wryly and he knew that Harry knew why.
"Didn't you see what they held up in the air?"
Harry swallowed.
"But you kissed me so that everyone could see." he whispered uncertainly. "I didn't want to do that openly, not yet?"
Niall took Harrys hand in his and pulled him into a corner, behind the studio.
"But it was just a fun thing?"
Harry didn't agree with him.
"The fans will see."
Niall looked at him and he nodded with satisfaction. That was the hole idea.
"We're on a vacant for a while!" he began hoarsely. "And I thought that we could then come out and be open together?"
Harry didn't know what to say. His stomach was rumbling over the fact that Niall had kissed him in front of the camera, and he realized what it was Niall really said.
"Are you saying that we should...?" He hesitated. "So you want everyone to know that we are together?"
Niall nodded. He raised his hand, and he took a finger across Harry's cheek, exactly where he loved to kiss him.
Harry swallowed.
"And you're sure about this?"
Niall nodded. He let a finger to caress Harry's bottom lip and he was so eager to just kiss him, but so far, they wouldn't do it among people.
"I'm always confident when I'm with you."
Harry looked around, and as soon as he got the chance, he kissed Niall. They were moving into phase two: To demonstrate openly that to Narry really existed...