Harry sat in the armchair and he tried to look at the television. It was golf, one of Nialls favorite sport to watch on TV. Yet Harry couldn't stop to let his eyes slide over to the blond Irishman. He sat on the couch and he just had on a pair of shorts. It was hot and they had come indoors only because Niall wanted to see golf on TV. Harry only wearing underpants, but he felt he still had too much clothes on. It was summer and it was one of the hottest days in a long time.
"He can't even beat the ball straight out!"
Niall had a comment to everything that happened. Harry smiled a little bit and he felt more craving to do other things than this. He looked at Niall again. That guy had everything. A perfect blonde hair, blue eyes and a body that could get anyone to fall, yet they were singles. Harry was glad that Niall wasn't like the others. It felt more okay that just the two of them were alone, because Harry also had feelings for Niall. Okay, he wasn't in love, but Harry felt an affinity with Niall and Niall was like a sex bomb.
Harry had no idea why, but eventually he slipped over on the couch and landed next to Niall. Even though it was hot in the room, it was like a cold wonderful shock as soon as Harry's leg happened to brush against Nialls leg. It was as if the excitement was total between them, but Niall was too busy to not notice it. Harry looked down at Nialls legs, he looked at Nialls scar that were over his knee and up against the tight-fitting short pants. There, between his legs there were that as Harry liked the most. Niall wasn't a guy with a big dick, but it was large enough to get Harry to yearn for more. So many times they had been naked in the same room, but never had they done something more. Harry wanted to do more, but he was afraid that Niall would say no.
"He should practice before getting into the race?"
Nialls words echoed in the room. Harry smiled a little bit and he looked up at Nialls naked torso. The Irishman had hair on his chest and it was sexy. Fluff of chest hair that just was there. Harry wanted to pull his hand through Nialls chest hair only to feel how it felt, but for the moment he held his hands away. Nialls neck was perfect and on that neck was that gorgeous head. Nialls face was so pure, so innocent and so... Niall. Harry loved Nialls face, his smile, his eyes and his hair. Even Nialls ears seemed to be were cut with perfection. You couldn't miss that Harry felt too much for this Irishman. It was on the verge to that he really wanted him. Harry felt his stomach tingled and he felt his thoughts spun around.
"You stare!"
Niall had noticed that Harry's eyes now slipped over Nialls hair. Harry blushed and he met those wonderful blue eyes.
"I just..." he frowned. "I just sat and thought about nothing."
Niall seemed to believe in him and quickly he pointed toward the TV again.
"See? He just hitting and turns over and do the wrong thing all the time. It doesn't happen a lot!"
Harry smiled and he looked Nialls profile. How wonderful noce and so lovely lips. Such lips were kissable, hot, and they could get anyone to lose his composure.
"Yes, he's crazy?"
Niall looked at him again and this time he frowned.
"Harry what is it?"
Harry didn't know what to say. He blushed at the same time as he tried to be normal.
Niall didn't trust him. He seemed to ponder and perhaps he sensed? Harry saw how Niall frowned and he had that facial expression that spoke that he really wanted to know the truth.
Harry raised his hand and he let his fingers gently glide up over Nialls arm over his wonderful shoulder and across his neck. The fingers reached Nialls neck hair and slowly let Harry his fingers slide into the thick hair. Up over Nialls head and then down his cheek.
"I just like what I see!"
Harry wasn't aware that he said those words. He looked into Nialls eyes and he let two fingers slide across his lips. Niall gasped and he became a bit stiff body. Yet it was as if he wouldn't let Harry stop and this really happened.
Harry leaned foreward. He closed his eyes and their lips met. He brought up both hands and held Nialls face gently against his palms. Nialls lovely lips and they were so perfect. Harry kissed him gently and at first Niall hesitated.
"We shouldn't..."
Then it was as if Niall realized there was no point fighting it. He responded to the kiss, gently, but still more consciously.
Harry felt his pulse rose, his heart pounding faster and he dared to pull himself more and more against Niall. He leanded more and more over the blonde guy and eventually lay Harry on top of him on the sofa. Niall groaned quietly, almost afraid that Harry would hear it. Harry didn't want to drop those lips. He wanted to take them, have them, nurture them, and be the one who had exclusivity over Nialls wonderful mouth. Harry felt how he became hard between the legs and finally he parted on Nialls legs, slid down between them and narrowed their bodies. Niall groaned and it was as if he realized what was happening.
Harry ended the kiss and he lifted his face.
"Damn Niall, I want you, I want to own everything that you are."
Niall got big eyes and he just stared at the younger guy. Harry knew why. Niall had never said that he was gay, or that he liked both boys and girls. Niall knew Harry preferred a human being and that the sex didn't matter.
It was as if Harry stopped to think about tomorrow. He moved his hips and he acheiving wonders. Under Nialls short trousers it became hard. Harry felt that he himself was on the verge of explotion. He was horny, he was hot and he wanted more. Therefore, he took hold of Nialls wrists and forced his arms up over his head. He had full control over what was happening down there. He pushed up the thighs against thighs Nialls and he moved his hips against him harder. Niall became red in the face and his pupils became bigger. Time stood still and not even the television made Niall losing focus. Harry groaned a little bit and he felt his own cock really wanted more. Therefore, he took down a hand, snapped up Nialls fly and pulled it out. Then he pulled down his own boxers and pulled out his own hardness. He pressed them against each other and he brought them up and down against each other. Niall whimpered and he closed his eyes.
Harry let his hand slide up along the Nialls body and he landed with his fingers against Nialls chest hair. It was as if happiness was complete when Harry began to caress him there. So perfect, so wonderful and so exciting.
Niall started to answer the movements. He moved his hips and he bit his lip. Harry chose to let the hand slide up and he grabbed Nialls wrist again. He was all over the Irishman and he could feel the whole Niall was with the movements.
Harry kissed Niall again. This time it was more demanding, more desperate, and their tongues began to play with each other. Harry felt Niall rapidly increased the pace and he was with every thing that happened. Their lips was made for each other and their tongues, dependent on the other. Faster movements, faster breaths and they forgot about everything else.
Harry let a hand slide down again. He grabbed hold of their two hardnesses and quickly brought his hand up and down over their shanks. He held them tightly against each other and he jerked them off quickly.
Niall did so that his wrists were free and quickly he took them around Harry's body. He groaned and he wasn't ashamed anymore of what happened. It was as if he realized that this was the point, meant to happen. Harry was desperate and he felt how the body ended up in ecstasy.
Niall and Harry came at the same time. It was as if their bodies cooperated and there was no space between them. Harry felt how they began to shake and he felt how their hardnesses took kit. He buried his face in Nialls neck when it started to spray and they wailed out that sound, that talked about that they had reached all the way.
Harry remained on top of Niall. Their heart rate was high and they breathed quickly. Their bodies were glued together by that which was between them, sweat mixed with their body fluid that had just spurted out from them. Niall kept his arms around Harry and he seemed almost about to fall asleep.
"I love you!"
Harry's words echoed through the room. Niall groaned and he seemed to react.
"Do you mean love as a friend, brother, or more?"
Harry kissed Nialls neck and then he put his head down again.
Niall thought. It was quiet for a moment before he opened his mouth again.
"Harry, we can't do like this. It's wrong."
The younger guy felt disappointment, but what had he expected?
"It isn't wrong to love?"
Niall wondered again.
"No, but we have a responsibility towards everyone else."
Harry raised his head and he looked into his blue eyes.
"This is about us and nobody else. I love you and I have wanted to do this to you many times. I have seen your body and I want to own it."
There was a faint smile as appeared. Harry saw the change from despair to joy. Niall liked him, perhaps even loved. He didn't need to say anything more. Harry knew that he had done the right thing. He had shown Niall suggestions on what he can get, and there was more to give. This was just the beginning and they didn't need to talk about feelings. They knew and they wanted to try.