Harry smiles and he creeps closer to the Irishman.
"Are you tired?"
Niall smiles.
"Yes, but if you want me to be awake, I can be so?"
Harry giggles and he can't help but take his arms around Nialls body, from behind and he put his head against the pillow.
"You like large spoons?"
Nial grins
"And you small?"
Harry agrees.
"Do you know why?"
Harry enjoying
"You're smaller than me and I like to be your little spoon."
Smut Narry (+16)
"Have you done this for me?"
Harry just staring at the room and then he smiles against Niall. The Irishman blush and he nodded a little weak.
"I thought..." he looked down at the floor and he ran his hand through his hair. "You know, just you and me and maybe we can talk?"
Harry smiled with his whole face and he quickly pulled off his jacket.
"Have you planned anything special?"
Niall shook his head, but the truth was that he wanted to seduce Harry. It just didn't feel right to say it straight out.
"I want to just hang out."
Harry smiles and he sits down on the couch. He sees all the time at Niall and he's excited.
"Wont you sit next to me?" asks Harry. Niall smiles and he nodded quickly.
"Yeah, but do you want to have wine?"
Niall nodded and he then looked at Harry.
"Or maybe beer?"
Harry laughed and he realized that Niall was really nervous.
"I drink what you want." he answers quickly. Niall smiles and he takes up the wine bottle. Quickly he gets the cork off and he turns two wine glasses. He gives one to Harry and then he sits down on the couch.
"So how has the day been?"
Harry has already understood what Niall want. He sets down the wine glass and the table and he then looks at him.
"Should we skip the bullshit?"
Niall gasp.
Harry smiles and he puts his hand against Nialls thighs.
"Yes, I understand, you don't want to sit here and talk all night?" hand sliding up between Nialls legs, where there already is a hard thing. "And why drag it out when I know you want?"
Niall blushed but he realized that it would be wrong to lie.
"So you think we...?"
Harry laughed and his hand began to move up and down over Nialls most sensitive part. Even though it was fabric betweem felt Niall how it tingled and he gasped.
"Okay, Harry!"
Harry knows how to do and he knows that he must take matters into his own hands, if something should happen. Quickly he sets up Niall and he makes sure that the Irishman standing in front of Harry. Himself he sits there on the couch and he quickly pull down his fly.
"Just enjoy and forget everything you have planned."
Niall gasps when the trousers and underpants are coming down. Harry grabs it and with a few simple movements, he makes Niall moan of pleasure. Harry smiles and he lets his tongue playing with the glans.
"Would you do it all?" he asks nicely. Niall just nods and his face has already changed color. Harry smiles and he lets her lips envelop Nialls cock. Slowly he sucks it in, and then he let it slowly slip out again.
"Did you like that Nialler?"
Niall groaning and he nods. He takes his hands around Harry's head and he can't let go of what is happening with the eyes.
"More ...?"
Niall gasps and he nodded quickly.
"If you want?"
Harry doing what he loves. He lets Niall remain in his mouth and he takes care of the Irishman's cock. It slides in and out and in the end it's almost difficult for Niall to stand still.
"Oh, Harry!" he whimpers. Harry just smile and he knows how he himself has become excited. He let a hand unbuttoning his own pants and he pulls out his own boner. It trembles where it stands straight out and quickly he let his hand moving over his own cock.
Niall groaning and he moves on the hips back and forth. He keeps his hands tightly around Harry's head, and he stands with eyes closed. He feels how fast he reaches that point when it's near a explotion.
"In your mouth?" he gasps. Harry smiles and he drops everything. Niall's surprised and he looks down at the younger guy.
"Not more?"
Harry grins.
"Niall, sit down on the couch."
Niall do that. He pulls off everything on his lower body. He sits expectantly down and he looks straight at Harry.
Although it wasn't directly planned, Harry takes up the lube as he has with him. He always carries with it, an extra small bottle, just in case. Niall looks at him with wide eyes, and when Harry starts to strip naked, gasping Niall.
"You mean we should do it?"
Harry smiles and he stands in front of the Irishman. He let his hand slide over his own cock and he nods with satisfaction.
"You'll get to fuck me tonight."
Niall light up and he smiles widely. His eyes are fixed on Harry's hard cock.
"I take you?"
Harry smiles. He takes a little lube on the hand and quickly he bring it against his own rear holes. Directly in front of Niall, he prepares himself and he moans of pleasure.
"You take me Nialler." He whimpers and he pressed in two fingers. "When I'm done!"
Niall smiles and he follows every movement of the eyes.
In the end, forcing Harry Niall down on his back on the couch. Quickly he sits up on the Irishman's waist and he take the hard part towards the hole.
"Are you ready?"
Niall whimpers and he takes his hands tightly around Harry's waist.
"Go ahead!"
Harry smiles. He lets the Irishman penetrate and slowly he sits down, so that Niall's coming in all the way. Niall throws back his head and he whimpers of pleasure. Harry could only smile and he likes to see Niall in that state.
Harry leans foreward. He places a hand on each side of Nialls head. Then he starts to slowly slide up and down. Niall whimpers and you can see in the long shot that he loves it. His hands forcing Harry to increase the pace and in the end it is as if Niall end up in a different world. He groans loudly and he shows with his entire body that he likes it.
Harry groaned and he sees that Niall is nearing the end. He therefore let his own hand slide down to his own cock and he starts to rapidly masturbate. He's horny just by thinking what is happening and to feel Niall inside the body is just wonderful. Niall almost screaming and he bounces his own hips up and down against Harry. He has forgotten what's happening and the only thing he wants is to reach the end.
Finally, it happens. Niall throws back his head and he loses control. He yells straight out and he fills the hole with cum. He shakes, he's desperately holding his hands around Harry's waist and he empties himself total.
Harry smiles when Niall opens his eyes.
"Now it's my turn?"
Niall nods a little bit and he looks cloudy when Harry masturbating on him. Niall smiles weakly and he takes down his own hand, and he forces Harry to let him do the work. Niall looks at Harry's cock all the time, and his hand gliding rapidly up and down. Harry sits up and he throws back his head. He moans and he whimpers of pleasure.
"Harder Niall!" he yells. The Irishman do as Harry want and eventually explodes Harry. He shakes, he screams and he squirts out cum all over the Irishman's chest. Niall just smile and he doesn't mind being oiled with cum.
Harry smiles as he has come to life. He looks down at Nialls chest and he sees how it pours cum on Nialls sweater.
"It was nice?"
Niall agrees.
"Promise me we do it more often?"
Harry laughed a little bit and he nodded quickly.
"I promise." he whispers. "You are my Irish and the next time I fuck you hard."
Niall grins.
"Do you promise that?"
"Yes! I do... Because I do Niall!"
Narry in love... ♥